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Goldwin Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership (the “Fund”) respects privacy and is committed to securing your Personal Information and keeping it confidential. The Fund has established the following privacy policy (the “Policy”), which is reviewed and revised from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this website to keep you updated. The terms stipulated in this Policy comply with the definitions and interpretations of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”) and other related laws and regulations.

Legal Compliance

The Fund complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and related laws and regulations in handling Personal Information.

Personal Information

“Personal Information” referred to in this Policy has the same definition as in the Personal Information Protection Act, that is, information about you that can identify you by name, age, gender, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, occupation, and/or other description as well as number, code, etc., including information that can be easily collated with other information and thereby used to identify you.

This Policy, however, does not cover such information as “Individual Numbers” or “Specific Personal Information” as defined in the Government of Japan's Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (Act No. 27 of 2013).

Purposes and Scope of use

The Fund may use your Personal Information for the purposes and scope of the following:
(1) To respond to inquiries and/or to receive and respond to requests for various materials, etc.;
(2) For the operation of the Fund’s businesses;
(3) To present services, seminars, information exchange meetings, etc., organized by the Fund;
(4) To improve the Fund’s services or to develop new services;
(5) For candidate selection and communications in the Fund’s recruiting activities;
(6) For management of the Fund’s human resources;
(7) For administrative communications and confirmations related to the Fund’s businesses; and/or,
(8) To perform other tasks incidental to the above.

Collection and Restriction on Use

The Fund collects Personal Information to the extent necessary by lawful and appropriate means to achieve the purposes of use stated in this Policy. If the Fund requires additional Personal Information beyond the purposes of use listed above, we will inform you in advance of the additional purpose and use of the data, and we will not use such extra data for any other purposes.

The Fund will never collect or use your Personal Information without your consent, unless otherwise permitted under applicable laws and regulations.

Sharing and Joint Use

The Fund may share and jointly use, with the entities listed below (the “Joint Users”), Personal Information compiled in a personal information database or the equivalent (“Personal Data”) for the purposes stated in this Policy and/or to the extent necessary to execute their business operations.

Personal Data shared and jointly used:
All Personal Data collected

The Joint Users:
i) Ignition Point Venture Partners Inc.
ii) Goldwin Venture Partners Inc.
iv) Goldwin Inc. and its affiliated companies

Purpose of use by the Joint Users:
The same as listed under the aforementioned “Purposes of use”

Persons responsible for managing Personal Data:
Ignition Point Venture Partners Inc. (an unlimited liability partner of the Fund)
Shibuya Propertytower1F 1-32-12 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Disclosure and Provision of Personal Data

The Fund will not disclose or provide your Personal Data to any third parties without your prior consent except in the following cases:
(1) case in which the Fund commits a person to handle Personal Data to the necessary extent of the purposes of use as set forth in this Policy;
(2) case in which it is mandatory to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted thereby to proceed with the operations pursuant to laws and regulations, and obtaining your consent is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions;
(3) case in which Personal Data is disclosed or provided for a person who succeeds the business of the Fund as a result of a merger or other business transfer;
(4) case in which improvement of public wellbeing and/or healthy development of children requires, but it is difficult to secure your consent;
(5) case in which it is necessary to protect human life, body, and/or property, but it is difficult to secure your consent; or,
(6) case required by laws and regulations.

Security and Management

The Fund will endeavor to securely retain your Personal Data to the necessary extent for the purposes as set forth in this Policy, and delete your Personal Data without delay if it is no longer required therefor. , Appropriate and adequate programs to observe each employee and any contractors will be applied to ensure proper management of Personal Data. The Fund has established various security measures to protect Personal Data from loss, mishandling, unauthorized use, alteration, destruction, or leakage, etc., and implemented safeguards to protect Personal Data on a secure network. The Fund appoints dedicated staff responsible to the management of Personal Data and controls a limited access to Personal Data by the persons specifically in charge thereof. The Fund also protects Personal Data files by passcodes, operation locks, power locks, etc., to prevent unauthorized access.

Personal Data that you submit to this website will be encrypted by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and protected from theft or falsification.

Use of Cookies

This website may use “Cookies” that makes it more convenient to use this website. Most browsers may disable Cookies through a change to the browser’s settings, but this may turn off some of the services on the web page.

Disclosure, Correction or Deletion of Retained Personal Data

You may request the Fund to notify the purposes of use of your Personal Data, to disclose or adjust such Personal Data, to cease using it, or cease any other action in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act. In such event, you will be required to provide us you’re your valid self-identification (such as, a driver’s license, passport or other identifying document issued by a public authority, etc.). Please refer to “Contact Us” below for the disclosure, correction or deletion of Personal Data retained in our possession.

Contact Us
For complaints or inquiries regarding this Policy and/or the handling of Personal Information and/or Personal Data, please contact us at:

Personal Information Desk
Goldwin Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership

Established on August 26, 2022
